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Chat rooms powered by 123 flash chat

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Because persons chatting can be from all walks of life, from all over the world, with many varying points of view, what you consider objectionable may not be what they consider objectionable. It is no longer chatting it is now harassing. If you are ask to stop discussing objectionable subject matter and you continue to discuss it. Harassment: Harassment comes in many shapes and forms, for the most part harassment on Chat Family is deemed as: Any exchange in a room (public or private), at which ANY party involved did not consent to. What seems to be lacking is an understanding that our "rights" also confer an irrevocable responsibility to exercise our freedoms intelligently and responsibly.

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There appears to be a fairly common mis-perception that freedom equals license that being free to do something means you possess an irrevocable license to do it. Absolute freedom of speech would constitute an infringement on freedom to live. Life would be quite unlivable if everyone were to be encouraged or for that matter permitted to speak their mind without second thought for the consequences. NO suggestion is made that there is such a concept as absolute freedom of speech. This is not a license to say anything anywhere, however. And that if we respect individuals as human beings people must be allowed to say what they mean. That for a democracy to work people must be allowed to express themselves. There is, however, recognition that speech has to be protected from government censorship or control, etc. To a large extent channels can define the range of expression that is acceptable, however harassment will not be tolerated anywhere on the server. Note that by "public" we mean expression that users could not avoid (in /list, via /msg, nicks, user names, or chat on channels, for example). Any *public* expression on Chat Family of this sort (including expression linked to illegal activity) will lead Chat Family administrators to put an end to such expression by whatever means necessary. Again, such uses of language and expression have traditionally been proscribed and with good reason: None of the benefits of rational discourse accrue in such cases and many harms are generated. Language can also be used to harm by means of threats, epithets and harassment.

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Note, for example the long history of legislation forbidding slander and libel. Traditionally even the most liberal societies have not supported the freedom of expression in this form. Language can be used in many ways, including as a tool to hurt others. However language as a tool can serve more than just this purpose. Freedom of expression was defended on the grounds that rational discourse paid off immensely with respect to education, politics, and personal growth. Freedom of expression has never meant that a person could use language however she or he saw fit.

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Chat Family has no quarrel with freedom of expression and we support freedom of expression as it has been traditionally understood. Policy regarding free speech and the restriction of expression: To be straight forward cussing on this server will get you banned. When it comes to illegal activity or the likelihood of illegal activity, we will act first and sort things out later. This is done in part to safeguard the environment on Chat Family and in part to protect the sysadmins and machine owners on Chat Family from legal problems that could stem from tolerating illegal activity on Chat Family. Adding to this the Internet service provider (ISP) of any person banned from this server for the above mentioned reasons will be sent email with a log and a time stamp of said incident seeking termination of their services under their ISP's acceptable use policy. In fact, if we have reason to think that a user or channel tends toward or conduces to illegal activity we will take action (which might range from chatting with the people in question to killing the connection or seeking prosecution).

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Policy regarding illegal activity (including but not limited to warez, child-porn, sedition, harassment, drug trafficking, Nuking, spiking, flooding, excessive pinging or anything that disconnects a user from his/her services or denies their service): Should a user or channel engage in illegal activity (ie, activity that violates US Federal or State Law) or encourage it we will remove the users or channels in question from Chat Family. Policy on 123FlashChat Client Scripts or Add-Ons Policy regarding free speech and the restriction of expression We advocate freedom of speech but HARASSMENT, RACISM, FOUL LANGUAGE, and any other DISORDERLY conduct will not be tolerated on Chat Family. We love having everyone on our server, but necessity dictates that we set some rules so we can all enjoy our time at ChatFamily.

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