Option B: With the PDF open use hotkeys CTRL + A (on a PC) or Command + A (on a MAC) to select all contents of the PDF, then use your mouse to right click and select “COPY”. Option A: Download a free trial of the software Word Count Tool by clicking here. The Lord of the Rings is an epic fantasy series written by British author J.R.R.

Rowling, the Harry Potter series are fantasy novels and one of the. If your book manuscript is not available in a Word document and you are stuck with the PDF there are still solutions to finding your word count. Word Count Of Famous Novels Harry Potter. Unfortunately none of the Adobe PDF viewers offer a word count tool. The resulting window will display all document properties including word count. Examples: The 6-word story attributed to Ernest Hemingway (Google it), Fleeing Complexity by Jon McGregor, Golden Years by Edith Pearlman, Widow’s First Year by Joyce Carol Oates. If you are using an older version of Microsoft Word which does not have this, then you can find the word count by going to File >Info from the top menu bar. Book Word Count Ranges by Genre Fiction Micro Fiction: 5 to 350 words. Books: Word Count: 1: Les Miserables by Victor Hugo: 568 751: 2: War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy: 567 246: 3: The Lord of the Rings, the novel written by J. This tool helps you count words, bigrams, and trigrams in plain text. The sweet spot, according to Donald Maas, is 100,000 to 115,000. WordCounter analyzes your text and tells you the most common words and phrases. Performing a word count in Microsoft Word is easy! Simply check the bottom left corner of the window and the word count is right there. Science fiction and fantasy novels typically have a word count between 90,000 to 125,000 words.